06/10/2003 - 08/08/2007

My Russian Princess

" Sainte Rita "
Patronne de l'Impossible.

Dear Svetlana,

The beautiful brown Russian Princess, always had a special place in our hearts
– and now she´s suddenly and tragically gone – far too early.

Lana was the daughter of our dearly beloved Willy (Come As You Are Dogzilla)
and wonderful brown Adel Adriana de Vinko who lives far away in Siberia, Russia.
We were quite surprised when the breeder, our dear friend Olga Saiganova,
wanted to travel to Finland and have the mating with our Willy.
We are happy that she did!

We can still remember how eagerly you waited for Lana when she was flying to you
from the distant Siberia. We were always very happy to hear yours stories
about her happy and joyful life with you and also worried about her tricks,
Lana eating stones – she really was a Person.
We were happy and proud to meet Lana and you in Italy, Seregno hotel in
2004 at the IDC. At that time Lana was almost 8 months old but
already a beautiful lady who really charmed his Dad Willy.
She seemed to worship Willy but was still her
own wonderful person, a starry-eyed, calm and aristocratic Princess.
Thank you Patty for sharing her life with us

Lana was a real warrior in her life, a heroine to the very end – she died when saving your life.
She will always live in her puppies and she will always live in our memories
- she will forever be your beautiful brown guardian angel.

Marja and Antti

Le Voilier

Je suis debout au bord de la plage.
Un voilier passe, dans la brise du matin et part vers l'océan.
Il est la beauté, il est la vie.
Je le regarde jusqu'à ce qu'il disparaisse à l'horizon.
Quelqu'un à côté de moi dit : Il est parti .
Parti vers où?, parti de mon regard, c'est tout. Son mât est toujours aussi haut,
sa coque a toujours la force de porter sa charge humaine.
Sa disparition totale de ma vue est en moi, pas en lui.
Et juste au moment où quelqu'un auprès de moi dit : il est parti!
il y en a d'autres qui, le voyant pointer à l'horizon et venir vers eux,
s'exclament avec joie : le voilà!
C'est cela la mort.
William Blake

Je ne touve aucun mot pour te dire combien je t'Aime Mia Terrorista!,
Ma Yavasloubiou Adorée!, tu me manques tant.............
La vie sans toi est comme une chanson sans musique..............
