Mr Gabriele PROSPERI
A Man of Honour, My Friend, My Guiding
I couldn`t set up this website without
mentioning You, Gabriele, because
I`d like those who have not had the
good fortune to know you to find out
something about you. But I would have
so much to say, and I`m going to have
to keep it short.
A man of honour! Oh yes, you`re certainly
that! A tireless worker and a fascinating,
highly intelligent, sensitive man
with an incredible personality. You
start off from wherever you want,
whenever you want, to end up wherever
you want and whenever you want. Your
iron will adds to your strength and
enthusiasm; you always play with your
cards on the table, you have that
unique gift of making life beautiful
all around you. Everything in you
incites you to attempt what others
have not dared to try, you are a fighter
who is only attracted by great things....,
a conqueror, and you never leave anyone
indifferent about you.
You are an Epicurean, a Lover of Life,
as all your passions show: the Doberman,
nature, horses, birds of prey, a love
of festivities, good music, good food,
good wine
everything that is beautiful
and noble! You showed your confidence
in me when you didn`t know me, you gave
me your time and listened to the novice
that I was; you, the greatest of all
Thank you Gabri, thank you for your
unconditional Friendship, thank you
for having taught me so much and,
above all, thank you for offering
me Ayrton, the Dob of my Life! I love
you very much, Gina and you!!
....and once again, BRAVO!, Mr PROSPERI

Nice memory - My
friend Simona, Gabriele and me |