Gabriele Prosperi

Caienna di Villa Castell

Gabriele Prosperi with Elisir di Campovalano
Gina Prosperi with Lema di Campovalano
Gabriele with Lema di Campovalano
Gina & Gabriele Prosperi
Gabriele with Gamon di Campovalano
history of "di Campovalano" kennel
begins in 1975 when Mr.Gabriele Prosperi and his
wife Gina, acquired their first dobermann, Boy
Diamond, a beautiful black male. When Boy
was five months old, he got the bilateral inflammation
of the under jaw and many people called him ugly
and said that he had to be put down. But the love
that Mr.Prosperi and his wife grow for this dog
was so deep that it didn't let them surrender.
After consultations with numbers of specialists,
they cured him and he recovered - it was a true
Maybe just for sheer prank, maybe because they
wanted to prove something to those that considered
they effort useless, they decided to take part
at the International Dog Show in Verona. Boy
unexpectedly won 3rd place! Shortly after, he
repeated his success at Varese by winning 2nd
It was a really fantastic event in Vercelli:
Boy got the "Best of Breed" title
and they saw that the gaits of success were open;
they were winning everywhere, from small shows
to the big ones. They were full of enthusiasm
and simply stunned by the success. It seemed that
Boy Diamond wanted to thank them for saving
his life and for their faith in him. He really
brought them the great joy, and they decided to
find him the girlfriend to play with. So it was
when Caienna di Villa Castelli came to
their residence.
It was 1978 and Bundessieger show was in Essen,
Germany. They decided to participate and - what
a great triumph! Diamond made 2nd in champions
class, while Caienna won the title of Jungendbundessieger.
Kennel "di Campovalano" was just raising,
but its name already became famous in European
rings. The foundation female of the kennel, Caienna
was bred to her litter brother Cito and
gave a litter worth of respect: Enter, Essen,
Eclatant and Elit. Elit was a splendid
bitch that was bred to Egor v.d. Eland
later in Holland. From this combination Vita
and Vera were born. Than Vera was
bred to Arrow v. Harro's Berg and two beautiful
puppies were born: Faltore and Flou.
Out of Vita and Bjorn v. Stockenbrand
were born Zardog, Zoe and Zuma.
"E" litter in "di Campovalano"
kennel became famous mostly thanks to the only
male in litter, Elisir di Campovalano.
He was a high-class dog with excellent conformation,
with the most typical signs of the breed and remarkable
psychical and morphological characteristics. Among
his titles are: Bundessieger, AlAD champion, International
champion, champion among the stud males, SchH
III and ZTP.
Elisir is recognized as one of the best
producers in Europe. He gave great descendants.
Among his numerous litters the most famous was
the litter out of Favorit del Verdiano,
which gave Lira, Linz, Lanser, Lamiel
and Lema - the dog with the most typical
gender characteristics and the same exciting breed
qualities as her father had: beautiful head and
very harmonious body. Lema became two time
IDC Sieger, Italian and International champion,
AlAD Sieger, she passed SchH III and ZTP. Lema
had excellent conformation and wonderful temper.
In order to decide who to mate Lema with,
Mr.Prosperi advised with Mr.Pezzano and Mr.Vogel
and, after lots of searching, they opted for Ilk
v. Gaxhartewald. Lema and Ilk gave
dogs of remarkable quality level: Ogami, Orion,
Otero and the unforgettable Gold, a
splendid brown female with the perfect head and
an enviable character.
Everyone remembers the qualities, alertness and
temper, the virtues that Lema passed on
to all their sons like from her litter with Baron
Brayan v. Harrosberg: Ciado, Cid,
Cheops and Cianda. Or to Eltaipan,
the only son she had from Quorry.
With her owner Anna Marensi Ogami achieved
SchH I, ZTP and the title of Italian and AIAD
champion. Also Orion, with Nicoletta Natives
of Bergamo, obtained the same titles.
Otero, the smallest of the puppies, also
achived SchH II with his owner Gianni Chionna.
And even that he wasn't as beautiful as his siblings,
but surely with great bloodline, Otero
coupled with Kondortarek di Villa Castelli gave
splendid progeny like Ombra and Olaf.
Shadow, the bigger brother, was coupled
with Mardock di Campovalano and Perry
and Black Perla di Campovalano were born.
Perla was a powerful female with remarkable
body and she obtained large number of titles including
the champion of Monegasca and Austria.
The brother of Shadow, Olaf, a brown
male always did well in the shows thanks to the
merits of his owner, Andrea Vandini. He got ZTP
and became Italian champion, social champion AIAD
IDC Sg, champion monegasco, champion of the world
in Dortmund and international champion.
"To quetso point but I look at myself forced
- it continues Prospers to make a jump behind
and to return to Zuma di Campovalano that,
coupled with Eltaipan, it produced of the
subjects like Wessel Wikita and Mardok,
Malì and Merak. A this last
powerful male brown of property of Francisco Lanzieri,
has achieved the Sch H I, the ZTP, the title it
of BDJsg and that one of Italian champion.
Coupled then with Tula of the noble ones
Been born he produced of the worthy subjects
of he, Jura that with to Vittorio Stazzu
the title has conquered it BDGJsg and then Jaska,
Juri and Jron; Jaska, with
the mistress owner Michela Todeschini, with which
it had a morboso relationship, taken the licence
and the ZTP and adjudicated the title it Dvsg,
Italian champion and of world-wide champion the
ICF to Valencia.
Not to then forget Prudenz di Campovalano
that coupled with Blue Arc of Coppo House,
generated Blue Boy (SchH II and the ZTP)
and Elimianator.
Blue Boy was a subject always in prominence,
even if of blue color and medium ransom, its power
was concentrated (70 cm. for 43 chili), had a
great log, of the optimal angles and ua beautifulst
dorsal liea. Sure they do not give little the
sister Elimianator, anch' blue it, that
she was coupled with Elisir and nacquero
Tatun, Topic, Thor and Thabata
that in its turn were coupled with Heart di
Campovalano and gave to the light one cucciolata
much homogenous composed one from Urak,
Utrk and Ulma a beautifulst bitch
of which my moglie was gelosa.
Excellent the morphologic structure of the two
males Urak and Utrk, both loved
with great passion from you respect owners to
you Lucia Luparini and Mark Bordering ".
But returning to Elisir we cannot sure
forget the Selema daughter and its Hunter
son had from Igo von Forell. From Hunter
and Patrol of Campovalano, a splendid daughter
of Elisir, nacque in fact one cucciolata
with great characterial and morphologic dowries
composed from Quorry, Quarel, Quiver,
Quic and Qunz that were yielded
to Mario Brandinari, an optimal owner, even if
of advanced age, that she has found in Qunz
a true companion.
But the true prototype of the cucciolata one was
Quorry, a subject very constructed with
a strong skeleton and one head very proporzionata
with a strong snout and very pronounced jaw. To
22 months it became Dvsg, champion of the world,
Italian champion and champion AIAD and conquered
SchH III and the ZTP.
A sweet memory goes then to Daxan, son
of Hunter and Fairy a dog that according
to Gina Giglio rispecchiava a lot the characteristics
of perhaps Prospers and is just for that its sympathy
conquered all.
The last one s dobermann are those of the family
of Gamon di Campovalano, the Ghero
brother and the sisters Gioil, Great
Blue, Ginca Grefi; that storm cannot
be forgotten about sympathy that is Jolly
and the other companions who currently divide
the life with Prospers like Elimianator,
Tosca, Sun, Gold and the
promising Hawk, son of Gamon that
rispecchia in great full load the qulità
of the father. Splendid also the siblings Fire
Fax, Falcon, Fire and Foreman,
this last one yielded in Japan where it has already
conquered two tito them of champion.